Bruno Koga | Software Engineer

Bruno Henrique Koga Fazano

Software Engineer@ Boston Consulting Group

I am a Software Engineer with 3+ years of experience in the field. I am passionate about technology and I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.

About me

Graduated in electrical engineering with an emphasis on computer engineering (University of São Paulo), I have great fascination and enthusiasm for ​​technology. I'm curious, inventive, creative, versatile, communicative and I'm always looking for new challenges. I have been working with NodeJs, React, Typescript, Docker and AWS for almost 4 years now with a track record of success.

I have built many successful and reliable systems using this stack alongside SQL and NoSQL databases and Clean Code principles. I have large experience writing scalable and efficient code that can be launched into a production environment.

I am currently based in São Paulo, Brazil, and working at BCG X as a Software Engineer















Work experience

Software Engineer @ BCG X

Oct 2023 — Present


Software Engineer @ igc Partners

Jan 2022 — Jun 2023

Delivered high-quality robust production-ready systems for different areas within the company. Mainly worked with TypeScript, React, NodeJs, NestJs, PostgreSQL, Docker and AWS. I had weekly meetings with the company's stakeholders to gather requirements and discuss the progress of the projects. Created the standards and best practices for the company's frontend and backend projects. Also responsible for the creation of continuous delivery pipelines with GitHub Actions, AWS ElasticBeanstalk, EC2 and Lambda. Trained and led a team of 6 junior developers.
ReactNestJsTailwindElasticBeanstalkGitHub ActionsAWS LambdaDockerPostgreSQLPythonNodeJs

Fullstack Developer @ igc Partners

Jan 2021 — Dec 2021

Developed a recruitment system used by the company's HR team to manage a special recruitment process. The system was built using React, Python and Serverless Framework. Deployed the system to AWS using Lambda, DynamoDB and Amplify. Also worked with Python, NodeJs, Serverless and Lambda to build automations, reports and integrations with other systems.
ReactPythonNodeJsServerlessAWS LambdaDynamoDBAmplify

Fullstack Developer @ theVelops

Jan 2018 — Aug 2018

Worked with the company's development team to build web applications for clients using React, NodeJs, MongoDB and AWS. My main responsibilities were to develop new features and fix bugs in the frontend and backend of the applications. I also led the development of some automations using Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda and Redis.
ReactNodeJsMongoDBAWS LambdaServerlessRedis